List of Playboy Playmates of 1985 Marriage Date, Son, Daughter, School Education, College/Qualifications, Favorite Things

List of Playboy Playmates of 1985 Marriage Date, Son, Daughter, School Education, College/Qualifications, Favorite Things

The following is a list of Playboy Playmates of 1985. Playboy magazine

names its Playmate of the Month each month throughout the year.Joan

Bennett (born August 30, 1964 in Chicago, Illinois) is a former

American model. She was Playboy magazine's Playmate of the Month for

January 1985.Cherie Witter (born October 22, 1963) is an American

model and actress. She was chosen as Playboy's Playmate of the Month

for February 1985.
List of Playboy Playmates of 1985 Marriage Date, Son, Daughter, School Education, College/Qualifications, Favorite Things

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